Nursing Services Certified Training Program Starts in Psychiatry Units at PAU Hospital

Nursing Services Certified Training Program in PAU Hospital Psychiatry Units was launched with the Opening Meeting Held in Habip Kızıltaş Psychiatry Building Training Hall.
In her opening speech, Training Nurse Sabriye Akkılıç talked about the difficulties experienced during the certification process and stated that they experienced the virtue of being on the road, believing in their strength and listening to the voice within, if necessary, and thanked all the educators for their support. The program continued with a video showing about the psychiatry unit. Nursing Services Manager Demet Ekici, who took the floor after the introductory video, explained the importance of certificate programs as follows: “Today, we are taking another step towards the “strong nursing model in every field” that we aim for. Success in the nursing profession will be realized by keeping the lifelong learning process warm, as well as by transferring the experience and wisdom gained in the profession. Certificate programs also reveal guidance in nursing in this context. As Pamukkale University nurses today; we are proud to have started the certificate program for my colleagues working in psychiatry units, which is a private clinic that we all feel the need to pay attention to, even while expressing it. In your presence, I would like to thank Pamukkale University Vice Rector Prof.  Dr. Yüksel Selçuk, who supports our program and makes us happy with his participation, as well as my Deans. She ended her speech by thanking our Chief Physician and everyone who contributed, and conveying her wishes for a pleasant program to all participants.

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