Message from Rector Kutluhan for February 28th

Pamukkale University (PAU) Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan published a message on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the 28 February process, which is referred to as the "postmodern coup" in Turkish political history.

"February 28 took its place in the depths of history as a black stain struck to our democracy in order to block the national and domestic development of the Turkish nation and break its back under the name of struggle against fundamentalism. The 'February 28' process that was recorded in Turkey's history as "postmodern" coup and that left deep marks in memories with the prohibitions and pressures imposed on the society, is an attack made on the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals against the will of the nation. Our beloved nation, with its vast courage in the face of the treacherous coup attempt of July 15 as well as its prudence and common sense, will show that such turmoil expectations will come to nowhere today and in the future."


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