Mentorship Program Starts at FEAS

Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) students met with PAU Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Necip Atar, Tavas District Governor Tarık Yerlikaya and representatives of leading companies in Denizli within the scope of the mentoring program.

Within the scope of the mentoring program, which was initiated within PAU FEAS and aims to guide students in their career goals, mentors and students held their first meeting in the 2023-2024 semester. Students participating in the mentoring program, which is planned to give important gains in terms of gaining perspective, shaping their careers and increasing their academic success, are aimed to gain insight into business life thanks to experienced mentors.

PAU Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, who held the first meeting with the FEAS students within the scope of the program, emphasized the importance of setting goals on the road to success and shared his knowledge and experiences about career planning and business life. Rector Prof. Dr. Kutluhan gave examples from his own education life and informed the students about the academic career process. PAU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Necip Atar, who met with our students within the scope of the mentoring program, shared his experiences on what to pay attention to in order to achieve success in academic and business life and the requirements of a good scientific research. Tavas District Governor Tarık Yerlikaya, who met with the students within the scope of the program, shared his experiences in the public sector, interview processes and the situations they may encounter in these processes.

Many experienced names in the public sector, private sector and academia held their first meetings with our students within the framework of mentoring activities. Our mentors Prof. Dr. İsmail Ovalı, General Manager of Pamukkale University Technopolis, Dr. Aziz Acar, Denizli Provincial Director of KOSGEB, Oktay Mersin, Denizli Chamber of Commerce YİK Member, Mehmet Serter, Vice President of DSO, business people; Ahmet Yavuzçehre, Mehmet Samur and Bahir Dibekoğlu, Duygu Köseoğlu, Gamze Solmaz, İsmail Çerçi, Mehmet Ünal, Melike Yalçınkaya, Nevin Özdemir and Zehra Er Sezer, who are senior managers in various companies, met with the students they will mentor within the scope of the program. 

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