"Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering" Conference Held

A conference titled "Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering" was held in cooperation with the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science and the Department of Mathematics within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic Events.
A conference titled "Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering" was held in cooperation with the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science and the Department of Mathematics within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic Events. Academicians and students attended the conference organized by Prof. Dr. Uğur Yücel, a faculty member of the Department of Mathematics. After the minute of silence and the National Anthem, opening speeches were made by Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aşçı, Head of the Department of Mathematics.

Dean Prof. Dr. Kaska: 'Thursday Conferences' will continue. In one part of these conferences, we will prioritize TÜBİTAK-based studies, and in another part, we will prioritize how we can become a member of the European Union.

Dean Prof. Dr. Kaska: "I would like to thank the department, the panelists and the participants for this panel organized by the Department of Mathematics within the scope of the 100th anniversary of our Republic. Although this conference coincided with a very important conference at our university and some of our professors were participants there, I am pleased that they showed high participation. Each of our researchers may be doing very good things in their own laboratory or office, but if we cannot announce this to our friends in the next room, downstairs or upstairs, they will neither be aware of our work nor will our university have the opportunity to cooperate with other universities in Turkey and abroad. On this occasion, I think that by the end of next year our University and especially our Faculty will be a stakeholder in a European Union project. Dean Prof. Dr. Kaska: 'Thursday Conferences' will continue. In one part of these conferences, we will prioritize TÜBİTAK-based studies, and in another part, we will prioritize how we can become a member of the European Union. For this reason, every study must include mathematics and statistics. When it comes to philosophy, philosophy lies at the foundation of every science. Therefore, I am very pleased that the Philosophy Department and the Department of Philosophy are intertwined in the same building. In the coming periods, we would like to be able to work together with all departments, and we would like to be able to do this together with the faculty members in our own school by giving the example of the joint work done abroad. On this occasion, I hope that all departments will be more coordinated with each other".

After Dean Prof. Dr. Kaska, Head of Mathematics Department Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aşçı made an opening speech: "First of all, I would like to thank the participants, Prof. Dr. Uğur Yücel, who gave the conference, and as a special thank you to Prof. Dr. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Öztürk, Head of the Philosophy Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, for not leaving us alone in all our activities. I wish it to be a successful conference." and concluded his speech. At the end of the conference, which was listened with interest by the participants, questions from the participants were answered. Dean Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska presented a plaque of appreciation to Prof. Dr. Uğur Yücel at the end of the program.

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