Important Advice to Future Lawyers from Chief Prosecutor Bölükbaşı and Rector Kutluhan

At the Career Days event organized by PAU Faculty of Law, lawyers who are experts in their fields will help students who are in the process of stepping into the profession, with their advice, in shaping their careers for three days. Denizli Chief Public Prosecutor Burhan Bölükbaşı and Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan gave important advice to students about their professional life in their speeches.

As part of the Faculty of Law Career Days, on May 18, 2022 at 14.00, President of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey, Prof. Dr. Muharrem Kılıç met with the students and held a conversation. On May 23, 2022, at 14.00, Judge İlker Kadir Korkmaz, Judge Emre Erdemir and Public Prosecutor Onur Gül will answer the questions of future lawyers and their concerns about the profession in Economics Faculty A Block Conference Hall.

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