First Step Taken for a Smoke-Free Campus

Smoke-free air space campaign was started in PAU. Within the scope of the Smoke-Free Campus Practice of the World Health Organization (WHO), the students were told what a smoke-free campus is and how to benefit from health institutions to get rid of tobacco addiction.
In his speech, stating that according to research, approximately 80 percent of tobacco product addicts start using tobacco products between the ages of 18 and 20, Prof. Dr. Toker Ergüder made a presentation on what is Smoke-Free Campus Practice and what kind of studies should be carried out. He stated that as WHO Turkey Office, they will carry out the necessary studies in cooperation with the PAU Administration.
In his presentation, Specialist Dr. Nureddin Özdener drew attention to the fact that they are against tobacco products and this industry, which cause serious harm to human life, not those who use tobacco products. Specialist Dr. Nureddin Özdener said that they do not want an increase in the number of students using tobacco products at universities. He expressed his satisfaction that PAU, which has the slogan "University is the Guide of Life", is leading the society in this matter as well.

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