Council of Deans of Communication Faculties Held in Tunceli

The Council of Deans of Communication Faculties (ILDEK), which was held for the 31st time this year, was hosted by Munzur University at the Congress and Culture Center. Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Communication Dean Prof. Dr. Ali Soylu also took part in the meeting held in Tunceli.

Organized for 23 years without interruption, the meeting was attended by the deans of communication faculties in Turkey and TRNC. The meeting started with the opening of the exhibition of the prize-winning works of the inter-university "An Idea Came to My Mind" competition organized by the Radio and Television Broadcasters Professional Association (RATEM).

Senior bureaucrats also attended the meeting this year. Representatives of the Presidential Communications Directorate, RTÜK, RATEM, İLAD, YÖKAK, the provincial protocol, the Ministry of Culture, the Court of Cassation, the Tunceli Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and the Governorship took part in the program. Prof. Dr. Asaf Varol took the first floor at the meeting and shared the activities carried out by İLDEK so far. Afterwards, RATEM President Aydın Şerbetçioğlu, Republic of Turkey Communication Presidency Erzincan Regional Director Metehan Akkaya, RTÜK Vice President Orhan Karadaş, RATEM Member Yusuf Gürsoy, Munzur University Faculty of Communication Dean Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aksoy, Munzur University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Taner Şengün, Tunceli Deputy Governor Okan Yenidünya made speeches.

Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak, President of YÖKAK, and Nur Özkan Erbay, Coordinator of the Turkish Brand Office of the Presidential Communications Directorate, made presentations at the three-day meeting.  Munzur University Rector Prof. Dr. Kenan Peker, who was abroad, connected to the meeting via video conference and greeted the guests.

On the first day of the meeting, associate professorship exams and problems in the field of communication, the proliferation of graduate programs in faculties of communication and the measures that can be taken against the problems experienced at the level of education and training, and the problems caused by communication departments in Open and Distance Education Faculties were discussed. In the morning session of the second day of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak, President of the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK), made a presentation containing important information about quality and accreditation processes in higher education. In the rest of the meeting, the privileges of research universities and research assistant employment problems of other universities, the work of communication faculties on cognitive information and artificial intelligence, the status of graduates, future professions and interdisciplinary studies were discussed. In addition, the need to update programs in faculties according to technological and industrial developments, and the expectations of communication students and the sector from communication faculties were discussed. 

In the closing session of the meeting, new ILDEK Executive Board Members were elected and Pamukkale University Faculty of Communication Dean Prof. Dr. Ali Soylu was re-elected as a member of the ILDEK Executive Board. In the last part of the closing session, it was decided that the next ILDEK will be hosted by Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Communication.

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