Cooperation Protocol Signed Between PAU and Denizli Bar Association

Pamukkale University (PAU) Rectorate and Denizli Bar Association signed a protocol for the development of professional knowledge, skills and values of PAU Law Faculty students. The signatures were signed by Denizli Bar Association President Av. Adnan Demirdöğer and Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan at the ceremony held at the Rectorate office.
Within the scope of the cooperation protocol, which aims to contribute to the vocational training of lawyers registered to the Denizli Bar Association and intern students, law faculty students who want to do internship will be determined by the PAU Law Faculty Internship Commission on a voluntary basis among third and fourth year students.

Bar Association President Demirdöğer: "In order for the Law Faculty Students not to encounter problems when they start their profession as lawyers or judges, there was a study to carry out practical studies at the Denizli Bar Association."

Denizli Bar Association President Av. Adnan Demirdöğer stated the following about the signed protocol: "Within the scope of this protocol signed within the Denizli Bar Association and Pamukkale University Rectorate, we have taken into consideration issues such as our students not encountering professional problems when they start their professional lives and getting to know the working environment closely. We have signed a protocol today for this program to be carried out before the law faculty students start their professional life.  The cooperation protocol we signed was a study to carry out practical work at the Denizli Bar Association in order to ensure that law faculty students do not encounter problems when they start their profession as lawyers or judges in the future. I wish that the protocol we have signed will be beneficial to our students, faculty members of the faculty of law, the legal entity of Denizli Bar Association and all our colleagues at Denizli Bar Association and the Rectorate of Pamukkale University."

Rector Kutluhan: "We aimed for our students to see the practices they will experience in their career life while they are students and prepare themselves accordingly."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated the following in his speech about the protocol: "We wanted every faculty of our University, whose mission is 'producing university', whose vision is 'university is the guide of life' and whose aim is to integrate with the city, to have a connection with every other faculty and vocational school. We have come a long way at this point. One of the most important of these was the cooperation protocol we signed today between our law faculty and Denizli Bar Association. There is no internship program within the undergraduate education of law faculties. We have provided this with this protocol. We have signed this protocol in order to raise a better lawyer by aiming to see a lawyer's office before our student graduates, to see what is done in this office, to see how the files are prepared, on the other hand, to witness a court, to see the events that they will experience in their future career life while they are a student and to prepare themselves accordingly. Our esteemed Bar Association President did not leave the hand we have thrust empty and responded. I would like to thank them and all the members of the Bar Association in your presence and wish them well."

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