“Communication with the Hearing Impaired” Discussed at PAU Tourism Faculty

Pamukkale University Faculty of Tourism hosted a talk on "Communication with the Hearing Impaired" within the scope of the "Accessible Tourism" course conducted by Dr. Burçin Kırlar Can.
Sign Language Interpreter and Trainer Kudret Çelebioğlu shared how growing up with hearing-impaired parents shaped her life as a CODA (Child of Deaf Adult) and its effects on career development. Emphasizing the vital importance of correct communication for the hearing impaired, Çelebioğlu pointed out that the issue should also be handled meticulously in the tourism sector. Translator and trainer Fatma Dersal also mentioned the importance of sign language and gave basic information about Sign Language to the students.
Students and academics participating in the event gained important information on how to empathize and communicate with the hearing impaired. In order to ensure mutual communication during the talk, oral translations were made by the interpreter speakers both in sign language and for the audience. The event ended with the certificates of appreciation presented to the speakers.

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