Career Planning Application and Research Center Holds a Career Talk for the Tourism Sector

Pamukkale University (PAU) Career Planning Application and Research Center (Career Center) Deputy Director Dr. Mehmet Tahir Dursun held a career interview for the tourism sector at Naile Mehmet Ali Uyanık Anatolian High School.
Naile Mehmet Ali Uyanık Anatolian High School offered a valuable interview opportunity to its students who are taking a new step on their career journey. PAU Career Center Deputy Director Dr. Mehmet Tahir Dursun was the guest of the interview, where many issues related to the tourism sector were discussed.

Dr. Mehmet Tahir Dursun shared valuable information with the students about job opportunities in the tourism sector, the importance of foreign language skills and employment opportunities in Turkey and abroad. In particular, he gave detailed information on job search processes and developments in the sector, which is one of the topics that students are eagerly waiting for. During the interview, Dr. Dursun also emphasized the educational opportunities offered by PAU and drew attention to PAU's achievements in tourism and foreign language education. In addition, he gave detailed information about the departments that students who mainly study foreign languages can choose within PAU and contributed to laying a more solid foundation for their future careers.

In the interactive question and answer session, students had the chance to benefit from Dr. Dursun's experiences and discover the unknowns about the tourism sector while helping them to determine their career goals. Naile Mehmet Ali Uyanık Anatolian High School management and students thanked Dr. Mehmet Tahir Dursun for this valuable interview and stated that they will continue career-oriented activities.

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