Best Paper Award to Hematology Department

The study titled "Single Center Experience of Daratumumab Treatment in Multiple Myeloma", carried out at Pamukkale University Hospital Hematology Department, received the Best 7 Papers Award at the 2nd Leukemia Lymphoma Myeloma Congress.
Prof. Dr. Nil Güler made statements about the award; "In our study, one of the drugs used in Multiple Myeloma patients, which is now called 'smart medicine' or 'targeted treatment'; We have compiled our experience with the use of the drug with the active ingredient 'Daratumumab', which binds to the plasma cell responsible for Multiple Myeloma by targeting the CD 38 cell marker, in Pamukkale University Hospital Hematology Department. According to our data, the use of Daratumumab alone or in combination with other chemotherapy drugs resulted in a 'Very Good Partial Response' in 38% and a 'Partial Response' in 24% of patients; we found that response rates increased as the duration of treatment increased. We observed that advanced stage patients had similar response rates as early stage patients."

İlgili Haberler