AFAD Gives 'Basic Disaster Awareness Training' at Bekilli Vocational School
Disaster awareness and emergency training was given by Denizli Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate (AFAD) to students and academic/administrative staff in the conference hall of Bekilli Vocational School.

In the training program organized; information about all natural disasters that can be experienced from earthquakes to avalanches was conveyed, and issues related to the issues that need to be done and should be considered were explained.
While the details of the simplest method to be done during an earthquake, "crouch, grab, hold on", were explained by the AFAD expert, the event was organized with the following instructions: "Crouch down and grab on to the ground before the earthquake shakes you and knocks you to the ground. The shaking may be so severe that you cannot escape by running or crawling. Therefore, crouch where you are". In the training, the training participants were also practiced the "crouch, grab, hold" movement.
While the details of the simplest method to be done during an earthquake, "crouch, grab, hold on", were explained by the AFAD expert, the event was organized with the following instructions: "Crouch down and grab on to the ground before the earthquake shakes you and knocks you to the ground. The shaking may be so severe that you cannot escape by running or crawling. Therefore, crouch where you are". In the training, the training participants were also practiced the "crouch, grab, hold" movement.