AFAD 3rd AYMEP Meeting with PAU Concluded

The 3rd Meeting of the Universities Disaster Management Application and Research Centers Platform (AYMEP) was held in Elazığ, hosted by Fırat University. Representing Pamukkale University, Head of Geological Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty Prof. Dr. Halil Kumsar joined the meeting.

The next meeting, which was decided to be held at Elazig Fırat University campus under the coordination of AFAD, was held at Fırat University on 28-29 July 2022. As a result of the meeting, five working themes were determined. By creating subcommittees; it has been unanimously decided that the 4th International Disaster Management Congress will be hosted by Kütahya Dumlupınar University, that the 4th AYMEP meeting will be determined by the AFAD Presidency from among the aspiring universities, and that the meeting will be held in September.

The agenda items for the next AYMEP meeting were determined as follows:, Dr. Muammer Tün making a presentation about the European Union Projects carried out by Eskişehir Technical University together with AFAD Provincial Directorate, the National Projects carried out by Konya Technical University together with AFAD Provincial Directorate. Dr. Fethullah ARIK's presentation, Sub-study commissions' presentations on their work in the period up to the AYMEP meeting, Discussion of the working themes on disaster education, disaster terms dictionary, disaster and emergency student societies, search and rescue and debris waste legislation, and, if appropriate, formation of  sub-sections, establishment of commissions, Receiving proposals for new working themes and determination of sub-committees for the appropriate ones, determination of AFAD's needs.

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