A Conference titled "Open Access and Ethics in Scientific Journals" Organized at the Faculty of Science

A conference titled "Open Access and Ethics in Scientific Journals" was organized in cooperation with the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science and the Department of Biology within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic Events.

Academicians and students attended the conference held by Prof. Dr. Çağrı Ergin, a faculty member of Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology. After the moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, the opening speech was made by Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska, Dean of the Faculty of Science.

Dean Prof. Dr. Kaska stated the following in his speech at the opening of the conference: "I would like to thank the department, panelists and participants for this panel organized by the Department of Biology within the scope of the 100th anniversary of our Republic. I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Çağrı Ergin for taking the time to attend the conference. After the presentations made by our other departments, we are together this week at the conference of the Department of Biology. Our department will have another conference next week. The subject of today's conference, 'ethics', is actually a very critical word for all of us, and Çağrı will enlighten us about the 'ethical' problems especially in the case of open access in journals. I wish it to be a fruitful presentation."

The presentation started after the opening speech and was listened with interest. The event ended after the answers to the questions of the participants. At the end of the event, Dean Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska presented a plaque of appreciation to Prof. Dr. Çağrı Ergin, who delivered the conference, and Prof. Dr. Olcay Düşen, Head of Biology Department, and presented them flowers.

After the conference, the guests were hosted with tea and various treats in the "Hand in Hand Project" area.

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